

Bergamo, Italy

Joined on 3/26/09

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oOWild69Oo's News

Posted by oOWild69Oo - December 31st, 2009

Happy 2010 From Italy!

Happy 2010!

Posted by oOWild69Oo - December 19th, 2009

Wednesday 30 December, there is a really cheap discount for Castle Crashers!
Instead of 1200 MP, will cost 560 MP!

Castle Crashers CHEAP on XBOX 360 Shop!

Posted by oOWild69Oo - December 11th, 2009

You prefer XBOX 360, PS3 or WII?

Posted by oOWild69Oo - November 18th, 2009

- Alien Juice

ENG: Get killed by an alien
ITA: Fatti uccidere da un alieno

- Robot Fuel

ENG: Get killed by a Robot
ITA: Fatti uccidere da un robot

- Zombie Meat

ENG: Get killed by a Zombie
ITA: Fatti uccidere da uno Zombie

- Alcoholic

ENG: Play trough a stage consuming nothing but beer
ITA: Gioca un round e finiscilo senza mangiare ma solo bevendo birra

- Anorexic

ENG: Play trough a stage without drinking or eating
ITA: Gioca un round e finiscilo senza ne mangiare ne bere

- Armored Prophet

ENG: Unlock all weapons
ITA: Sblocca tutti gli oggetti

- Chairman

ENG: In the Aliens stage, get the 3 chair at the end of the level
ITA: Nel livello degli Alieni, spingete le tre sedie che troverete nel livello fino alla fine, dove c'è il boss

- Classic Hero

ENG: End all the stages
ITA: Finisci tutti i livelli

- Hand it Over

ENG: Kill the zombie's boss
ITA: Uccidi il boss degli Zombie

- Kill Smiley

ENG: Kill the Robot's boss
ITA: Uccidi il boss dei Robot

- Skull

ENG: In the zombie stage, get the skull at the end of the level
ITA: Nel livello degli zombie, portate il teschio di mucca che trovate all' inizio del livello fino al boss

- The Freeman

ENG: Play trough every stage using the crowbar
ITA: Finisci tutti e 3 i livelli utilizzando il piede di porco

- ZOMG!!!1

ENG: Kill the Alien's boss
ITA: Uccidi il boss degli alieni

- Handy Man

ENG: Kill the zombie's boss using "Arm of the Zomboss"
ITA: Uccidi il boss degli zombie utilizzando il suo braccio, sbloccabile dopo averlo ucciso la prima volta

- Illegal Alien

ENG: Kill the alien's boss using "The Alienator"
ITA: Uccidi il boss degli alieni utilizzando la sua arma, sbloccabile dopo averlo ucciso la prima volta

- Smiley Hater

ENG: Kill the Robot's boss using "Cyber Blade T47"
ITA: Uccidi il boss dei robot utilizzando la sua arma, sblcocabile dopo averlo ucciso la prima volta

- Testosterowned

ENG: End a stage in Real Man difficulty
ITA: Finisci uno stage a piacere in modalità Real Man

Armed Prophet Medals Walktrough

Posted by oOWild69Oo - October 1st, 2009

- Ultimate Spitter:

ENG: Go into the bar and spit in 25 times in the basket
ITA: Dentro il bar, sputate 25 volte nel cestino (sputacchiera)

- Ultimate Saviour:

ENG: Speak with the Indian Totem and Defend the bear from insult
ITA: Parla con il totem dove sta l'indiano e difendete il totem orso dagli insulti

- Ultimate Bully:

ENG: Speak with the Indian Totem and insult the bear
ITA: Parla con il totem dove sta l'indiano e insultate il totem orso

- Ultimate Pest:

In the inventory, click on boss face 10 times

- Playboy:

ENG: After giving the music to the pianist, jump on his piano.
ITA: Dopo aver ottenuto la canzone del pianista nel deserto e avergliela data, saltate sul suo piano ed entrerete in una stanza segreta con una bat... professionista xD

- Nature Boy:

ENG: Roam the desert, and you may find a cactus to talk with. Speak with him and give the costume and medal
ITA: Gironzola nel deserto, controllando tutti i cactus. Se aqvrai fortuna, uno di essi avrà, se ci passi sopra con il mouse, l'icona del parlato. parlaci e otterrai il costume di cactus e la medal.

- Do Lose your Head:

ENG: Click Cuboy 20 times
ITA: Clicka cuboy 20 volte

- Nude Boy:

ENG: Give 6 beers from the barist at the drunken man and you get the costume. Use it for get the medal
ITA: Prendi 6 birre dal barista e dalle all' ubriacone al bar. Dopodichè indossa il completo che ti da

- Ultimate Winner:

ENG: Complete the game
ITA: Finisci il gioco

Translate in italy too ^^
Tradotto anche in italiano

Back To The Cubeture Medals Walktrough

Posted by oOWild69Oo - September 26th, 2009


ENG: When you get the chainsaw, kill all enemys and enter in the door.
Kill the guy with P90. The big guy with mask come, don't go down and use the chainsaw on her head.

ITA: Dopo aver preso la motosega ed aver ucciso tutti i tizi, entrate nella porte e troverete un tizio girato di spalle con il p90. Uccidetelo e tenete la motosega, quindi saltate aggrappandovi alla sbarra.
Dopodichè arriverà il boss con il fucile a pompa... Apritegli la testa con la motosega e avrete ottenuto la medal.

-A Winner is You:

ENG: Beat the game

ITA: Finisci il gioco


ENG: Don't kill the clown at the end.

ITA: Alla fine del gioco, quando il clown striscia via, lasciatelo scappare.

-True face of Evil

ENG: At the and of the game, hit the clown without any weapons: give him a punch and look the face O_O

ITA: Alla fine del gioco, quando il clown striscia via, non utilizzate alcun arma (se la avete finite i proiettili) e date un pugno al clown. Gli cadrà la maschera e vedrete la sua vera faccia xD

Sorry for my English, im italian.
For problems post here ^^

EDIT: Translate in italy too
Tradotto in italiano ^^

Madness Accelerant Medals Walktrough

Posted by oOWild69Oo - September 12th, 2009

The name of the medal is Exterminator! and is very easy to get.
Simply, crush the cockroach near the NG logo.
Look the image.

Cave of Wonders Secret Medal Walktrough

Posted by oOWild69Oo - August 19th, 2009

Ehi guys, i made this post for get all the medals in Toss the Turtle :D

- Acupuncture: Die on spikes
- Gold Star: Launch the Turtle
- Jump Man: Move the turtle on a Goomba
- Question Mark: The button is on the store sign in between the 'Co.' and 'Blast'
- Drunk Driver: Blow the turtle on a jeep
- Harrasment: Move the turtle on a "Dugtrio" xD
- In Space: Launch the turtle in the space
- Strong Armed: Move the turtle on a banana
- Abducted: move the turtle in a ufo
- Icarus: Move the turtle on sun
- Radioactive: Buy a Nuclear Thingy and use it

This is the most hard medals, the others are easy :D
Hope you like it ^^

P.S.: Perdone my english, but im italian ^^

Toss The Turtle Medals Walktrough

Posted by oOWild69Oo - June 29th, 2009

1 - Introduction
2 - Download necessary
3 - Configuration
4 - Additional Information
5 - End and Copyrights


These days the emulation is more advanced, and now the best-selling console worldwide is the protagonist. Finally, for all Nintendo Wii fans who can not afford it, here's to you that an emulator, if you have a good pc, it's really good and functional. As the true Wii, also supports Gamecube games!
But enough useless talk, now we see what we need to get it to work properly


Download Emulator


To begin configuration, click on Options -> Configure
There appear several menus at the top. Configuriamoli all

-Check all advance settings
Check Enable Dual-Core



Add the path where you add your files. Sull'emulatore iso to play.


-Graphic: Dolphin OpenGL
-DSP: Dolphin DSP-HLE Plugin
-Hall: If you have an xbox 360 pad connected to the computer selected KB/X360 Dolphin Pad, if you want to play with keyboard selected by Falcon4ever Njoy v.0.3
Dolphin-Wiimote Plugin: To use the Wiimote (We will see further information in a special guide).

Plugin configuration:

OpenGL-Dolphin: Select the General menu above and then check the Native voice. In the drop-down menu Antistropic Filter, diminuitelo if you want a lower quality but more powerful performance, but if you want to Turn the other way.


Some games require hacks or small patch to work. I personally do not know
If you download. Iso that does not work, scrivetemelo in this topic, so it can make a short list with games that require hacks and download them for you. (Fazo96 Thank you for this information)


Here we are. We have finished configuring the original!
I have a pc good enough to work and I wonder, therefore, is tested and functional
If you have problems tell me everything in this topic: I will do our best to help.
I would like to dedicate this guide to a great died recently, Michael Jackson ^ ^
I know that not very central, but Michael was definitely one of my examples in life.
Bye Michael ^ ^

Guide: Emulator Nintendo Wii - Gamecube. Created by Wild69 for www.gameternity.com (ITA) & www.newgrounds.com (ENG). All rights reserved.

P.s.: Perdone my english guys ^^ Im from italy, you know ^^

Posted by oOWild69Oo - May 6th, 2009

Vladimir Ilich Lenin (1870 - 1924)

Early Life

Born on April 10, 1870 this son of a Russian nobleman was to have a profound effect on the future of Russia and, indeed, the world. His father had been the son of a serf who had risen to post of inspector of schools in Simbirsk. While his mother was the daughter of land owning physician.

In school he proved himself to be very bright though he suffered alienation because of it. However, he excelled in his studies. He also enjoyed reading and writings of Goethe and Turgenev would affect him for the rest of his life.

Two major tragedies occurred which had an acute effect on the young Lenin (then Ulyanov). In 1886 his father died from a cerebral haemorrhage, the following year his brother, Alexander, was hung for plotting to assassinate Tsar Alexander III. Lenin renounced religion and the political system. Added to this he was the brother of dead revolutionary and found many doors closed to him. He finally managed to be accepted in a Kazan University where he studied law. This was to be shortlived as he was expelled for attending a peaceful protest some three months later. He was ostracised from the academic world. He studied the law on his own and passed the exam, coming first in a class of 124 in 1891.

Rise to Power

He moved to St. Petersburg in 1893 where he practised law. While there he began developing a Marxist underground movement. He grouped members into six member cells. By this means industrial conditions were investigated, statistics compiled and pamphlets written. It was also through these groups that he met his future wife, Nadezhda Krupskaya, who he married in 1898.

He travelled to Switzerland to meet like minded Social Democrats in 1895. While there he talked with Georgi Plekhanov. They argued over the means of bringing about change in Russia. Plekhanov wanted to include the liberal middle class; Lenin favoured the rise of the proletariat. This disagreement led to the eventual split of the Social Democratic party into Mensheviks and Bolsheviks.

When Lenin returned to Russia he carried with him illegal pamphlets, he wanted to start up a revolutionary paper. On the eve of its publication he and other leaders were arrested. He served fifteen months in prison. After this term he was exiled to Siberia and it was there that he and Krupskaya were married. Having finished their period of exile in 1900 they left for Switzerland where they finally managed to establish their paper, Iskra (Spark). During his years in Switzerland he rose to a position of power in the Social Democratic party. His uncompromising views were a core cause for the split in the party.

The 1905 St. Petersburg Massacre spurred Lenin to advocate violent action. The Massacre itself occurred when Cossacks fired on peaceful protesters led by Father Georgi Gapon. This event led to several uprisings in Russia. Lenin returned to Russia for two years but the promised revolution did not happen as the Tsar made enough concessions to mollify the people. Lenin went abroad again.

1917 was to finally see the revolution in Russia. In fact two revolutions occurred in this year. In March steelworkers in St. Petersburg went on strike. It grew until thousands of people lined the streets. The Tsar's power collapsed and the Duma, led by Alexander Kerensky, took power. Lenin made a deal with the Germans; if they could get him safely back to Russia, he would take power and pull Russia out of the war. Kerensky was to fall over this same issue. He refused to take Russia out a war in which they were suffering severe losses and causing brutal hardship at home. Lenin came to power in October after a nearly bloodless coup.

Lenin in Power

At age forty seven Vladimir Ilich Lenin was named president of the Society of People's Commissars (Communist Party). The problems of the new government were enormous. The war with Germany was ended immediately (his battle cry had been "Bread not War"). Though Russia lost the bread basket of the Ukraine to Germany this was soon regained when Germany was ultimately defeated in the war. Land was redistributed, some as collective farms. Factories, mines, banks and utilities were all taken over by the state. The Russian Orthodox Church was disestablished.

There was opposition and this led to a civil war in 1918 between the Mensheviks (Whites) and the Bolsheviks (Reds). Despite being supported by Britain and the U.S.A. the whites were defeated after a bitter struggle.

From 1919 to 1921 famine and typhus ravaged Russia and left over 27 million people dead. To counter these disasters Lenin put into effect the New Economic Plan. This plan embraced some capital ideas (limited private industry) in order to revitalise the flagging economy. However he was never to see the full effect of his measures

Decline and Death

In May 1922 Lenin suffered the first of a series of strokes, less than a year later he suffered a second one. In his two remaining years he tried correct some of the excesses of the regime. He saw that it would be necessary to learn coexistence with capitalist countries and eliminate the inefficiency of his bureaucracy. He also tried to ensure that Trotsky and not Stalin succeeded him. In this endeavour he failed. Stalin was far too clever and astute even for Lenin. 1923 saw him decline further as he had another stroke which left him paralysed and speechless. He never fully recovered and died of a cerebral haemorrhage on January 21, 1924.

Lenin  Biography